Jurnal Nasional Perkumpulan Alumni Mahyajatul Qurro'

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Our Journal

Ascarya: Journal of Islamic Science, Culture and Social Studies
Ascarya: Journal of Islamic Science, Culture and Social Studies was first published in 2021-01-19; this journal obtained E-ISSN 2775-4243 (Online – Electronic) on Monday, February 01, 2021, with Decree Number 0005.27754243 /K.4/SK. ISSN/2021.02. Indonesian Institute of Sciences Center for Scientific Data and Documentation (ISSN INDONESIA NATIONAL CENTER). Furthermore, on Saturday, July 10, 2021, this journal received P-ISSN 2798-5083 (Print) with Decree Number 0005.27985083 / K.4 / SK. ISSN/2021.07.

Edusia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Asia
Edusia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Asia is published by the Association of Graduates and Students of ASA-MQ with E-ISSN 2798-9569 (Online – Electronic) and P-ISSN 2807-1220 (Print).

Civil Officium: Journal of Empirical Studies on Social Science
3 times a year
The primary aim of Civil Officium is to improve problem-solving in Social Science. Stakeholders in society, education, government, politic, culture research grapple with various standards. .
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In my opinion, this is the best place and journal publisher because by entering articles like mine, it doesn't take long to get published and as long as you know the operator is very friendly bro
Arnold Smith

Quite satisfying from the results of their work even though there were a few mistakes, but the good team at the typo was immediately recommended to

Alhamdulillah baru selesai bimbingan dgn Ascarya solution. Pembimbing nya ramah, dan juga sabar dalam menjelaskan. Cara mereview pekerjaan saya juga teliti dan dibahas satu persatu. Dikasih tau juga solusi dan tips yg sangat bermanfaat dlm mengerjakan skripsi. Terimakasih sudah berbagi ilmunya 🙏👍👍
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Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
This journal publishes articles on Education issues in the Asia Pacific. This journal focuses on multidisciplinary and pluralistic perspectives and approaches to National and International Education theory within the Asia Pacific region.

Journal of Empirical Studies on Social Science
Civil Officium creates collaboration among stakeholders, stimulates research, and disseminates knowledge to foster the intelligent application of social science principles in research contexts worldwide.

Journal of Islamic Science, Culture and Social Studies
The Journal of Islamic Science, Culture and Social Studies is committed to publishing articles using the category mechanisms present in the Open Journal System feature. The categories of published articles cover three main areas according to the aims and scope of the journal.
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